传送门:Unstable Concoction

Lan Xu合作。

Unstable Concoction


There are six elements in the world:

  • the Arcane
  • the Blight
  • the Crystal
  • the Diffusal
  • the Essence
  • the Force

The magical reactions among them create this beautiful world.
… And you, are a bottle of potion,
who wants to become the greatest alchemist of the world!
In order to do so, you shall find the hidden magic circle.
But watch out for every step you make, since the chemical you carry may easily get spilled.
And then, BOOM! The reaction with the ground might kill you.
Also, you may collect elements on the way, and mix it with the chemical inside you to form a new component.
You could use the potion you carry to corrupt the door that gets in your way.
Do keep in mind that some chemicals are inert and would not react with others.
By the way, the reaction with the door could also form a new element and thus changing your chemical.
Use your wisdom to solve the puzzles!

How to Play

You can click the ground to move the lovely character. If the destination is not reachable, the movement will be forbidden.

You can collect elements in the scenes. If the given element can’t react with the concoction in your bottle, nothing will happen, or you will get a new concoction. You can judge the type of elements and concoctions by the color.

Concoctions in the bottle will be spilled after every movement. The ground blocks may be eroded if they can react. Be careful that you can’t move to a null block.

You need to break doors using some specified concoctions, or you can’t pass them. When you get the Magic Circle, you win this game. Don’t worry about trying! If you make a wrong decision, you can press Z to undo it. You can also press R to restart the whole game. If you want to get back to the level selection menu, just press ESC. Good luck and thanks for your playing!


In order to simplify the game, we decided to release the reaction table here:

  • Arcane + Diffusal = Crystal

  • Arcane + Force = Essence

  • Blight + Crystal = Essence

  • Blight + Force = Crystal

  • Crystal + Essence = Force

  • Crystal + Force = Arcane

  • Diffusal + Essence = Crystal

  • Diffusal + Force = Blight

If you get stuck in the game, you could check the table above.

In the end, if you have any question, please leave a comment below!